Types of Abuse
Verbal Abuse
Behaviour that causes harm with words.
How it works: Name calling, insults, public humiliation, yelling.
Early Warning Signs: Teasing that includes insults.
Psychological and Emotional Abuse
Behaviour intended to cause psychological or emotional distress.
How it works: Threats, intimidations, put-downs, jealousy, possessiveness, isolating a person from their family and friends, destroying gifts, clothing, or letters or damaging a car, home, or possessions.
Early Warning Signs: Pouting when you spend time with your friends, threatening to leave you in an unsafe location, trying to control what you do.
Physical Abuse
Behaviours that inflict harm on a person.
How it works: Slapping, hitting, shoving, grabbing, hair pulling, biting, throwing objects
Early Warning Signs: Going into a rage when disappointed or frustrated, teasing, tripping, pushing, threatening to injure.
Sexual Abuse
Sexual advances that make a person feel uncomfortable, sexual behaviour that is unwanted..
How it works: Insisting, physically or verbally, that a person who has said "no" to have sex anyway, forced sex.
Early Warning Signs: Using emotional blackmail to talk you into having sex ("If you loved me you would..."