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Spring Has Sprung 2023 Wishlist

Spring Has Sprung 2023 Wishlist

At CAWES, your donation makes a difference. We are fortunate to see firsthand the generosity from the Central Alberta Community all coming together to ensure that those experiencing violence are able to celebrate the beautiful weather with supportive people around them.

Every spring, we bring hope and are reminded of the strength this support lends to the women and children we serve. All donations are put to use immediately. The women and children are grateful for your donation as it helps to accomplish their goals and dreams for a better future.

Together, we can do so much for the women and children that are fleeing violence throughout Central Alberta. When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed. Your donation today will help transform lives.

If you would like to donate today, please review our Spring Wishlist below…

Urgent Needs:
Ladies pajama's (all sizes)
Ladies spring/fall jackets (all sizes)
Ladies sneakers & sandals (sizes 7 & 8)
Children's shoes & sandals (all sizes)
New ladies underwear
Baby wipes (all varieties)
Diapers size 6
Size 4 boys clothes
Belts (all sizes)
Twin sized comforters
Baby crib mattress
Shampoo and conditioner
Body wash
Toothpaste & toothbrushes for adults
Hair brushes
Bath towels
Pillow cases & pillow protectors
Feminine hygiene products such as tampons
Face cloths
Blankets (twin, double, and queen sizes)

New underwear
Bras & sports bras
Shoes such as runners
Yoga pants, sweatpants, and leggings

Infants, Toddlers & Young Children (Girls & Boys):
Summer clothes
Running shoes
Rubber boots
New underwear

Teen Girls & Boys:
New underwear & boxers
Summer clothes
Running shoes & rubber boots
Rain jackets

Gift Cards
The donation of gift cards will give women the opportunity to personally shop for special occasions, birthday gifts, food, clothing, and more for their children and themselves. This simple act will give our clients a sense of normalcy and empowerment. Gift cards to shopping malls, department stores, and big box stores (i.e. Walmart) provide lots of choices and versatility for gift buying.

To donate, or for more information, please contact the Central Alberta Women's Emergency Shelter at 403-346-5643 or Please allow up to 48 hours for a member of our team to respond to messages. Unless otherwise stated donations can be dropped off on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9:30 am and 4:30 pm.

Thank you from all of us at CAWES.

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